The WebCanDo.com operating manual
will assist in getting you familiar with the many features we have
to offer. Whether you're looking for a quick start to uploading your
files, or would like to familiarize yourself with our many advanced
features, this manual provides easy to follow step by step
instructions on just about everything you'll need to know. New users
are encouraged to print this manual and read it over at their
Assuming you've just signed up with WebCanDo.com, you're probably wondering how to test out a few of the
features and begin populating your web site with files. You're just
a couple of steps from doing just that, but first things first. Your
welcoming email contains the basic information you'll need to access
your account and get things underway. Print it out, or open it up in
a separate window, as you'll need to refer to it during these
Table Of
to upload your files:
your FTP clients:
via SSH
the web site file system:
CGI Based
The ins and
outs of DNS and how it effects your domain:
Sub-Domains and Domain Info:
up Domain Email :
Cpanel Goodies :
Ecommerce Shopping Carts
Configuring Mail
Using Microsoft

Username and
These are stated in the welcome email.
They are needed to authenticate everything from FTP, to Email
access, C-Panel, and MS FrontPage if you're using it. In short, use
this Username and Password for any access you're attempting to your
Accessing your
account via its URL or associated temporary
If you've just signed up to WebCanDo.com, chances are you've begun the process of a domain transfer
to our servers. In all likelihood, it will take anywhere from 48 to
72 hours for all worldwide DNS records to reflect your domain name
as pointing to our servers. While everything in our welcoming email
refers to the domain you signed up, we recommended you use the
accompanying temporary url until you can verify your domain is
actually answering to your new account on the WebCanDo.com
Accessing your account via
To access FTP, you can use your domain
name as the FTP host, or the FTP host that was sent to you in your
welcoming email. If you have additional questions regarding the ins
and outs of FTP, please see our FTP support section, which covers it
in broad detail.
To access your C-Panel account manager,
you can login into it with:
(For name based accounts)
or the url that was sent to you in the
welcome email. Again, if your domain name is not pointing to our
servers yet, calling it with the url from the email will enable
access to your account.
Where to upload your files:
The Home
Your html files, and or the files you
want to make accessible to the World Wide Web must be uploaded to
your account. When you first FTP into your account, you'll be taken
to your "Home" directory. Don't confuse this with your "web
directory." The home directory is "not" accessible to the World Wide
Web; it's a private directory where critical system files reside. DO
NOT delete files that have been created by the system, otherwise
your web site may disappear into cyber oblivion!
public_html and www directory -
(Where web accessible files are placed)
These are the two directories, where
files you want accessed from the web must be placed. Open the folder
"public_html" , which is your "web accessible directory." The folder
named "www" is actually a shortcut to public_html, (both of them
take you to your web directory). Upload the files you want
accessible to your visitors and feel free to make the appropriate
sub-directories you'll require.

Configuring FTP
Configuring Cute FTP Based on
version 4.2

Please note that there are a number of
older and current versions of Cute FTP floating around. As a result,
some of the instructions provided here cannot possibly reflect all
the versions, which have been released in the past 5 years. The only
small difference you may encounter is where some of the options can
be found (depending on the client version you're using). In any
event, everything is pretty well much the same. Let's get
1. Open Cute FTP 2. Select
"File" 3. Select "Site
Manager" 4. Select
Options you'll

- Label for site: Enter a name for this
account. For example, "My Root
Account." - FTP Host Address:
www.yourdomain.com - FTP Site Username:
Your main system login name - FTP Site
Password: Your main system password -
FTP Site Connection: Port: 21 - Login
Type: Normal

Notes About Cute
There are a few advanced features you
may want to be aware of. These features may need to be enabled if
you're having problems accessing your site via an FTP client. The
following will explain:
Trouble accessing your site
via FTP:
This can sometimes occur if your accessing
the Internet from behind a firewall, personal router, or using an
Internet connection sharing system such as NAT (Network Address
Translation). This is often a class case scenario in a home or small
office where several computers are being shared by one Internet
connection. Symptoms include, difficulty logging in via
FTP, and or maintaining a reliable upload or download
Use Passive Mode
From your FTP main interface,
1. Edit (from the
main dropdown menus) 2.
A dialog box called "Settings"
now appears. Select: 3.
Connections 4.
This opens the
Connection/Firewall dialog box: 5. Check the box that says
"PASV mode." 6. Click
OK Don't touch any of the other
 Ignore all other
settings you see here except for the "PASV_mode"
Give it a try and see how it works.
If you're still having problems, you should contact your ISP to see
if they can make the necessary changes required for you to access
your site via FTP. There are a vast number of network configurations
ISP's sometimes use, and some of which that can cause problems for
users wanting to access the web beyond that of a browser.
How to view all files in your
account (For Advanced Users).
Advanced users
may want ability to view "all hidden" files in their directories.
While most of these are critical system files, there are a few,
which can be manually edited by "Advanced Users." This is done by
inserting an entry into the "File Masking" feature in the client.
Hidden Files:
1. Open Cute FTP 2. Go to
the site manager 3. Select your account 4. Select

A dialog box opens called "Site
Properties": 1. Check the "Enable Filter"
box 2. Click the "Filter"
button 3. Check the " Enable Remote
Filters (Server Applied Filer) " box 4. In the "Remote
Filter" window, type this command -a
5. Click ok That's it!

color=#723C3C>The -a command will
unmask "all" files in your web account.
BEEN CREATED BY THE SERVER or C-Panel!! Unless you're an
advanced user, please leave all files that have been created by the
system alone! Doing otherwise could cause serious problems with your
account, and in some cases take it offline completely. When in doubt
"ASK", do not Delete!

Setting Up WSFTP

Please note that there are a number of
older and current versions of WSFTP floating around. As a result,
some of the instructions provided here cannot possibly reflect all
the versions, which have been released in the past 5 years. The only
small difference you may encounter is where some of the options can
be found (depending on the client version you're using). In any
event, everything is pretty well much the same.
Setting up WSFTP:
Open your colorWSFTP client 2. The dialog
box "WS_FTP" Sites should display. If not, click the "Connect"
button. 3. Select color"New"
You should see this dialog

You'll be taken
through these options:
1. New Site/Folder:
Choose a name for this

2. Host Name or IP address:

3. User ID:
Main system login
4. User Password:
Main System Password
5. Select
"Save Password."

6. Select
"Finish." Done! Your can now FTP into your
Notes About
Main Username and Password:
The main
Username and Password was sent to you in your welcoming email, and
are also the same ones used to access C-Panel. If you've changed
your "main" Username and Password before
setting this up, then use you must use them instead.
Trouble accessing your site via
This can sometimes occur if your accessing the
Internet from behind a firewall, personal router, or using an
Internet connection sharing system such as NAT (Network Address
Translation). This is often a class case scenario in a home or small
office where several computers are being shared by one Internet
connection. Symptoms include, difficulty logging in via
FTP, and or maintaining a reliable upload or download session. If
this is the case, try "Passive Mode."
Setting Passive
1. Open the
WSFTP account manager
2. Highlight your

3. Select
4. Select the
"Advanced" tab

5. Check the box called
"Passive Transfers." 6. Click "OK"

Select passive mode, click
"OK", and try it again.
face=Arial How to view
all files in your account (For Advanced Users).
Advanced users may want ability to view
"all hidden" files in their directory. While most of these are
critical system files, there are a few, which can be manually edited
by "Advanced Users." This is done by inserting an entry into the
"File Masking" feature in the client.
Unmasking Hidden
Files: 1. Open the colorWSFTP account
manager 2. Highlight your account 3. Select
"Properties" 4. Select the
"Startup" tab 5. In the
"Remote File Mask" window, enter -a

The -a command will
unmask all files in your web account.
Final Note:
or C-Panel!! Unless you're an advanced user, please leave all
files that have been created by the system alone! Doing otherwise
could cause serious problems with your account, and in some cases
take it offline completely. When in doubt "ASK",
do not Delete!

Connecting via SSH:
SSH stands for Secure SHell. This is a command line interface identical to telnet. The only difference is that everything done through SSH is encrypted, so if anyone tries to snoop in during your session, they can't read what passwords or commands are being typed.
Before you can start accessing your account with SSH, you need to download an SSH client program. Perhaps the best one out there is SecureCRT, available from VanDyke software at http://www.vandyke.com . It's shareware that you'll have to buy after 30 days of use. Whichever SSH client program you choose to download and install, in order to actually SSH into your account with us, you'll need to use the following settings in your SSH client program:
Protocol: ssh1 or ssh2
Hostname: yourdomain.com (or whatever your domain name is)
Port: 22
Cipher: 3DES or Blowfish
Authentication: password
Username: your account username
Password: your account password
Once you've successfully logged in, you'll be presented with a command prompt that looks something like "bash-2.04$ ". This is where you type commands. Here's a brief list of commands you can use:
ls - (list) this displays the files and directories in your current directory
ll - (long list) same as "ls", but displays some more details
cd - (change directory) when followed by a valid directory name, changes your current directory. Use "cd .." to move back one directory in the hierarchy.
pico - opens up a session with a simple text editor. Following this with a filename will edit that file if it already exists, or will open up a new one under that name if it doesn't exist
du - (disk usage) this displays a list of all of your directories and subdirectories. Beside each one is a number. That number tells you how much space that directory or subdirectory is taking up in KB (1 MB = 1024 KB).
If you like, you can also try using the web-based SSH utility included in your control panel (look for the "SSH Telnet" icon). We can't offer any guarantees on how well it'll work for you. It can be quite buggy at times.
Understanding the web site file
index.html and why you should use
This again is where a number of newer
webmasters become stumped. They upload all of their files and
directories, and then want to access them with their browser, but
forget to name their home page index.html. Here's
what happens: they access their site as http://www.yourdomain.com, and
what they see is their entire file directory structure! Yikes!… It
looks just like exploring the C drive on your computer! You don't
want visitors seeing that, do you?
When you access your site
by calling it as http://www.yourdomain.com
the web server looks for the "index.html"
file as the default file to be sent to visitors, and thus this is
why http://www.yourdomain.com by itself
will automatically display the home or welcoming page. It's because
the server automatically looks for index.html whenever a domain or
directory is called without a filename appended to it such as this,
If it can't find index.html, it will simply list "your entire web
directory" to everyone that accesses it, which can be a security
risk. You should use an "index.html" file in any directory you create,
including your "root" web directory. In general, it's always a good
idea to use "index.html" as your main page in all sub-directories
on your account. Forgetting to place an index.html in your root web,
or any subdirectory of your web for that matter will effectively
leave all of its contents viewable to the world.
However, it is possible to specify the default webpage that visitors see when visiting any of your directories (e.g. http://www.yourdomain.com/fun , http://www.mydomain.com/contact , etc.). To do so, you need to create a file called ".htacess" in that directory. Then, just open up that file and add the line
DirectoryIndex filename.xyz
where filename.xyz is the name of the page you want to load by default when someone accesses that folder with a browser. (Note that the file name is case sensitive.) Make sure to save the changes you made to the file.
For example, say you have a page called "home.html" that you want to have load by default when someone goes to http://www.yourdomain.com . Just create a new file called ".htaccess" in your /public_html folder and add the line
DirectoryIndex home.html
to it. Now, when someone goes to http://www.yourdomain.com , your home.html page will load by default. As another example, say you have another page called silly.html that you would like to load by default when someone goes to your http://fun.yourdomain.com subdomain. Just create a new file called ".htaccess" in your /public_html/fun folder and add the line
DirectoryIndex silly.html
to it. Now, when someone goes to view http://fun.yourdomain.com (or http://www.fun.yourdomain.com, they're the same thing) in their browser, your silly.html page will load by default.
Understanding case
Another small detail, which can throw
many newer users into a tailspin. Unlike your local PC, the Unix
file system is very particular about "uppercase" and "lowercase"
file names. Therefore, if you were to install a script, (let's say
the wwwboard discussion forum) for example), the name of this script
would be wwwboard.pl. If you name a file picture file called
me.jpg, then this is what you must call it as. Naming it
me.JPG for example, (observe the uppercase) tells a Unix web server
to treat it as a totally different file name.
Unix file
servers are exceptionally fussy on this issue, so make sure you pay
close attention to case when uploading files, or installing and
configuring cgi based scripts. The same rule applies for all files
including your .html pages. Again, the server treats .html and .HTML
as two entirely different files. Want to keep in simple? Try to
stick with lowercase letters in all file names and extensions.
Uploading your files in the correct mode (ASCII
or Binary)?
Uploading in the wrong format for
images or binaries will result in a strange mess appearing in place
of the file. For CGI scripts, this mistake has to be the most
common cause of that annoying error known as the (Server 500 Error -
Malformed Headers), or something to that lovely extent. While this
can be the result of many various programming errors, the most
popular amongst new users are uploading their scripts in the "WRONG"
format. Your cgi scripts "MUST" always be uploaded in ASCII mode.
Alternatively, if you upload an image or .exe file, it must be done
in "BINARY" mode.
The difference between ASCII and
In short, html or text based files
are supposed to be transferred in ASCII mode. Uploading them in
Binary mode will append ^M's to the end of every line. In most cases
this is OK with html files, because your browser will ignore them.
BUT, with other text files such as cgi scripts, uploading them in
binary will damage them, thus causing a (server 500 error). This is
because binary mode has added ^M's to the end of every line, which
are not supposed to be in the program. This of course, is what
causes the additional message of (Malformed Headers), which often
displays at the bottom of the "Server 500" message when a CGI script
has crashed.
Once again, BINARY mode is used for
transferring executable programs, compressed files and all
image/picture files. If you try to upload an image in ASCII mode,
you observer a strange mess appearing on the page where the image is
suppose to appear. ASCII mode in this case, has corrupted the binary
coding in the jpeg or gif image. If this happens, just re-upload it
in the Binary format
Setting your FTP client to automatically detect
ASCII and Binary file transfers:
Most FTP
programs have "AUTO" mode, which will tell the FTP client to
automatically detect the file type you're transferring and will
select the appropriate mode. By default, most FTP programs will
attempt to transfer everything in binary mode, but when "Automatic"
is selected, the FTP client will check a list of known ASCII
extensions, (for example, .pl, .cgi, .txt). If it detects one of
these extensions, it automatically switches to ASCII mode.
By Default, most of the well-known files to be uploaded in
ASCII are already entered, however you can manually add additional
extensions that you would like to transfer in ASCII mode by
selecting the feature called "Extensions." Here, you can any
additional extensions that will cause the FTP client to toggle to
ASCII mode automatically upon detecting an extension entered in its
list. Remember, you must set your transfer mode to "Automatic" for
this to work.
File types and what they
Various file types can effect both
the behavior of your files, as well as how the server treats them.
While there are numerous file extensions, which represent a host of
various file types, we'll stick to the basic ones in this quick
The .html
This is one is the most commonly used
and the most one of you are already familiar with. Html stands for
(hypertext Markup Language). Essentially, it tells the server, as
well as the clients browser to process and display the .html coding
in a way, which is meaningful to the end user through a browser.
The .htm
Many of you have probably noticed this
newer extension appearing in place of the traditional .html one. In
short, .htm is most often created, and or generated from the
Microsoft FrontPage web editor. The two are essentially the same and
provide the same basic purpose. Unless you're using FrontPage, you
will probably use the .html extension at the end of your web pages.
The .gif and .jpg
Most commonly used because of its good
compression in web page images. Generally, .gif files are the
fastest loading, as they remove a lot of information, which is not
required to maintain image integrity, but to a point however. .jpg
will allow more flexibility in compression and quality settings,
however can also result in larger files.
The .CGI and the .pl
.cgi and .pl are most often used for
perl scripts. Perl scripts are small text based programs, which are
executed on the server end, and will perform a host of interactive
functions for a web site. In short, when a .pl or .cgi file is
called, it tells the server to process it using the "Perl
Interpreter." The Perl Interpreter understands the programming
within the script, and will perform the set of sub routines, which
will yield your desired effect. This desired effect could be
anything from a simple web page counter, to more complex programs
such as discussion forums, e-commerce platforms, to online auctions.
In many cases, you can download these "ready to go" scripts for
free, and in others you may have to purchase them.
FrontPage and FTP:
If you're planning on using Microsoft
FrontPage to manage your web site, there are a couple of issues
things you may want to keep in mind:
There are two worlds.
The General Unix hosting world, and the Microsoft world. While this
is not necessarily a bad thing, Microsoft had indeed decided to play
by its own rules. As a result, FrontPage does not always
conform to the rules of Unix, so you should be extremely careful
when accessing a FrontPage web via FTP. It's easy to damage
the FrontPage web, as well as it's associated server extensions, and
if it happens, you may loose the ability to administrate it from
your FrontPage Explorer. To avoid problems like this:
- Do not alter, or delete files that are
part of a FrontPage web
- Do delete, move, or alter directories
ending in _vtf. These are the FrontPage extensions
The ultimate
If possible, try to create your FrontPage
webs in sub-directories of your root. For example, http://www.yourdomain.com/home.
This way, you can safely FTP into your root account to perform other
tasks, while avoiding the FrontPage webs, which are safely out of
the way in their own separate homes. Remember! DO NOT delete any
folders, which end in _vtf! This will kill your FrontPage web, and
we'll have to reinstall the extensions for you. For additional
information on FrontPage, please see our dedicated tutorial on it.

Using CGI programming:
Where to place your CGI
Although there is nothing dangerous
about placing cgi scripts in random directories throughout your
site, it's best if you keep them in their own little home known as
the cgi-bin. This minimizes security risks and allows you to
maintain your cgi programs from one directory.
The path to
One of the first things you must do
when configuring a script, is set the correct path to the Perl
interpreter, which is the engine responsible for processing the
script. The path to Perl on our servers is:
The path to
Some programs such as the ones,
which send email will need to know where the Sendmail program
resides on the server. The script will typically have a setting like
this: $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; and will want you to set it
appropriately. Sendmail on our servers can be found here:
/usr/sbin/sendmail or /usr/lib/sendmail.
Setting directories within your cgi
When you configure a cgi script for
"any" server, it may ask you to set variables such as the base,
relative, and CGI directory/url settings. Here's an "example" using
Matt Wright's wwwboard.pl script. Obviously, each script may vary,
but this should provide you with some basic idea:
$basedir =
"/home/yourlogin/public_html/wwwboard"; $baseurl =
"http://www.yoursite.com/wwwboard"; $cgi_url =
Most scripts
come with documentation on how to set these directories. Please make
sure you read and understand it before configuring the script. New
to cgi? Here is a page with questions and answers to numerous
questions evolving around the inns and outs of using cgi within your
scripts: http://www.w3.org/Security/Faq/www-security-faq.html
Another excellent site, which provides step by step chapters is:
This is the most important one
of all. Public permissions determine what your world wide visitors
can and cannot do with your files. ALWAYS make sure you understand
what a particular permission does before assigning it to a file. If
not, you may wakeup to find your website demolished by some clown
who was snooping about and gained access to your files.
Setting File

To set file
1. Login with your FTP
client 2. Open the
directory where the file you wish to set permissions on
resides 3. Right
click on the file and select CHMOD A box similar to the one
above will appear
Observe how you can "select" the
individual permissions you want, or simply enter the 3 digit number
if you know what it is. Most instructions included with downloaded
scripts will tell indicate this to you.
By default, all files uploaded to the
server automatically have permissions set to 644. The setting 644 is
relatively safe, as it provides "Read" and "Write" access to the
owner, while limiting the rest of the public to "Read Only" access.
When setting permissions for cgi scripts, the most common
permissions setting is 755. 755 allows the owner "Read and
Write" access, while allowing the Group and Public "Read and
Execute" permissions. So what are we actually saying? In short, when
users access your cgi script, the server has been instructed to
grant them permissions to "Read and Execute" it. Sound scary? It's
not actually…
Remember that a script is a program that must
be processed by the server. As long as the script is written
properly, you can safely allow users to execute it, and thus
providing the desired results. For example, if they wanted to post a
message to your wwwboard discussion forum, then they would need
these permissions to execute wwwboard.pl, which would write their
new message to an html file, which is displayed on the main forum.
The new message would reside in a directory on your site so
other users could view it. Most cgi, perl and other scripts
you'll be installing come complete with instructions telling you
which permissions you'll need to set them to.
Setting permissions on files is a relatively
simple task, however MAKE SURE you fully understand what it is
you're allowing the public to do with your files. For example, some
less experienced users often make the fatal mistake of simply
setting ALL of their files to 777. While 777 will automatically
allow executing privileges, it also allows full "READ, WRITE, and
EXECUTION ability to the entire world!!!!
This is how web
sites get hacked! While most visitors have good intentions, all it
takes is one person whom snoops about your files seeking an "Open
Back Door." This could result is them gaining full access to your
directories, which means they can do anything from deleting your
entire site, to defacing it with obscenities.
New to
cgi? Here is a page with questions and answers to numerous questions
evolving around the inns and outs of using cgi within your scripts:
Server Side Includes - SSI
SSI works in
conjunction with a web page usually with the .shtml extension.
The .shtml extension tells the server to do something different with
the web page. When you append the .html or .htm extension, this
tells the server to "read" the page only. The .shtml extension tells
the server to "Execute" the page, in addition to just reading it.
So, why would you want to execute the page? There are
various commands you can program into a web page, which the server
will look for and parse when the file is called as .shtml. In many
cases, this mode is used in conjunction with Server Side Include
(SSI) tags, to call a CGI script. For example, you have a visitor
counter script, and we'll call it count.cgi. Every time someone
visits your website, you want the script to be called, so that it
logs the visitor into a file.
To do this, you would
place an SSI tag into your web page. The tag in this case, would
look something like:
This small tag,
which is hidden in the html coding of your page is telling the
server to:
1. Go to the cgi-bin 2. Execute
That's it! The information has been captured and
processed by the count.cgi script. Of course, that's the short
version of what happens. The long version would no doubt, would take
us far beyond the scope of this document.
PLEASE do not use
the .shtml extension on "all" of your web pages unless it's
absolutely necessary. With a busy web site, this means that every
page must be executed, as opposed to just read. This as you can
appreciate, can add considerable memory and CPU load to the system.
As always, read the instructions that came with your script
carefully. They should provide specific instructions on how
to configure the script, as well as the SSI tag.
The ins and outs of DNS and how it effects your
Understanding DNS and Name
This is an area, which causes a great
deal of confusion amongst both webmasters and end user clients.
Before we go any further, let's look at this quick analogy: DNS can
be considered something similar to that of a phone book. When you
move from one location to another, your last name stays the same,
but your phone number may change. In order to point your name to the
new phone number, you must contact the telephone service provider,
which will assign you the new phone number. In addition, they update
all directory information data basis to reflect you as pointing to
this new phone number.
What is DNS?
DNS stands
for "Domain Name Server." The domain name server acts like a large
telephone directory in that it's the master database, which
associates a domain name such as (http://www.mydomain.com) with the
appropriate IP number. Consider the IP number something similar to a
phone number: When someone calls http://www.WebCanDo.com/,
your ISP looks at the DNS server, and asks "how do I contact
WebCanDo.com?" The DNS server responds, it can be found at: As the Internet understands it, this can be
considered the phone number for the server, which houses the
http://www.webcando.com web site.
Where are all of the
DNS records kept?
This is slightly more
complicated, but for the purpose of this overview, we'll try to keep
it as general as possible. There are 2 basic places DNS records
International Root name servers (13 exist throughout
the world) Your domain register, where your current DNS settings
When you register/purchase your domain name on a
particular "registers name server", your DNS settings are kept on
their server, and in most cases point your domain to the Name Server
of your hosting provider. This Name Server is where the IP number
(currently associated with your domain name) resides.
entire hierarchy is somewhat involved, but in short, the world Root
Name Servers can be considered the master listing of all DNS
records, and there are currently 13 of them in the world. These name
servers are where all the master DNS records are kept. The DNS
server of your ISP will typically query the Root Name Servers once
every 24-hours. This is how they update all of their DNS tables,
which in turn, resolve www requests to the IP number of the server
they reside on.
Changing your Name Server settings, so your
domain points to your WebCanDo.com
Your "Name Server Settings" must be
updated to point to your account on WebCanDo.com. You
originally purchased your domain name from a register, and this
register is where your current DNS settings reside. That is, unless
you transferred your domain name to an alternate register, in which
case, you would control your DNS settings from there.
"Register" your domain resides on, communicates your 'current' DNS
settings with the International Root name servers, which is turn
share this information with ISP's, routers, and cache engines around
the world. In essence, it's like a worldwide directory that other
computers can refer to when they want to match a domain name with
its associate IP number. This IP number is how the particular server
your website resides on is located.
Accessing your domain
Simply go to your domain registers
web site, and look around for links, which point to something like,
domain manager, manage domain, or something of that administrative
nature. In your welcoming email, you were sent DNS settings, which
look similar to this example:
Most of the newer registers such as the (OPEN
SRS) based entities have turned this into a 5-minute process. You
simply login to the register, select 'manage domain' and you'll be
presented with an option to update your new DNS numbers. Contrary to
popular belief, Network Solutions 'now' also provides an online
interface to change these settings, so this process with them is no
longer as complicated as it use to be, however it's still not as
simple as the OPEN SRS based systems. If your particular
register 'does not' provide a domain manager of some type, then
you'll need to send them a message requesting a change of DNS. This
is an unlikely scenario, as most every register now allows you to
manage your own domain settings from a web based interface. WebCanDo.com uses an OPENSRS system for domain registration and changes.
Once you've accessed the "management interface" of your
domain name, look for a setting, which says "change or manage DNS
settings." In most cases, you can simply cut and paste the DNS
settings we've sent you directly into the spaces, which correspond
to your DNS management settings. Remember, the DNS settings we're
displaying here are an "example."
The 3 to 4 day propagation period -
Understanding what happens during this time
In short, patience is a virtue.
Remember what we talked about earlier in this chapter regarding the
shear size and scope of the worlds DNS system? In short, when you
change your DNS settings, these new settings must propagate
throughout the worlds DNS servers. It also means that every ISP
(Internet Service Provider), must update their DNS records to
reflect these new changes, which in most cases, is done
automatically every 24 hours, but not always however...
Where do the Root Name Servers receive
their information from?
The Root Name
Servers will query "domain registers" several times a day. Domain
Registers, being entities such as Network Solutions, and the newer
OPEN SRS based systems. The Root Name Servers will gather this
information from the many registers now in existence, and update
their master records accordingly. Now your ISP must access the Root
Name Servers, and update their DNS records, which reside on their
'local' DNS server. This process is fully automated and most ISP's
will check the Root Name Servers for updates every 24-hours. Beware
however, that some lame ISP's will delay this process for as much as
2 to 4 days in some cases. If that happens, it will no doubt cause
additional confusion, as everyone else will be reaching your new
account on our servers except you. This is because your ISP has not
updated their DNS records, and or have not cleared their DNS cache,
which means they'll still be pointing your domain name to your old
server. If it's a new domain name you've registered, then you'll
receive a blank "Site Not Found Page."
DNS Cache and your
There is also the issue of DNS cache,
which is something we won't go into great detail about here, but
here's the short version. Every time you access a site from your
ISP, they cache the URL, as well as its associated IP number. If
their network is properly setup, these DNS cache records should
"Expire" at least every 24-hours. If they did not (which is often
the case), you'll experience this: You enter your http://www.mydomain.com/ URL,
and it keeps taking you back to your old server account.
a large number of cases, it's the result of an ISP who "Did Not"
configure their servers to "Expire" the DNS cache records at the
appropriate intervals. Unfortunately, this adds additional confusion
to their clients, and especially the ones whom are trying to point
their domain name to a new server. Yes, it will make you want to
scream sometimes, however if you understand whom is actually at
fault, then you'll know who to scream at :)
The DNS propagation
process is not limited to ISP's!
HA.. Just
when you thought you had it all figured out! Unfortunately, there's
more folks. The Internet itself must update/clear its DNS cache as
well. When we say the Internet, we mean the numerous intermediate
"points of access" you're routed through before reaching your final
destination. For the most part, these intermediate points of access
consist of "Internet Routers" and "Internet Caching Engines." These
too, maintain their own DNS cache, which assists them in routing
traffic/resolving URL's to the correct destination IP's. Don't worry
though, as Internet routers are usually faster at clearing their DNS
cache than ISP's are.
What to expect during this 2 to 4 day
propagation period:
In most cases, the
propagation process will take at least 48 hours to complete. The
first thing that happens is the "World Root Name Servers" will check
all of the various "Domain Registers for updates. Ok, so now the
Root Name Servers have done their job. The rest of it is up to the
many ISP providers who "should be" updating their DNS records (at
least every 24 hours), but a number of them will not.
effects that can be expected during the propagation time
It's perfectly normal for strange
things to happen within the 48-hour propagation period, but
sometimes longer. While we could provide a full list of all the
anomalies that can occur during the DNS propagation period, we'll
stick to some of the most common scenarios that most people
HELP! My friends can
reach my new site, but I'm still being directed to the OLD ONE!
This is a class case of your friends ISP (who
did update their DNS records), but yours unfortunately did not. As a
result, your ISP is still pointing your domain name to the old DNS
record, which is your old hosting account. Wait a couple of more
days, and if it appears that everyone but you can access your new
account, then contact your ISP and tell them to expire their old DNS
cache records.
http://www.mydomain.com was taking me to my new WebCanDo.com
account just a minute ago, but when I try it now, I'm being taken
back to my old hosting account - what's up with this?
In all likelihood, your ISP may be in the
process of clearing their DNS cache, and or updating their local DNS
server records. During this small interval, it's normal to fluctuate
between the new and old web site, as the old DNS records may not
have completely expired from their cache yet. Give it another
several hours and it should be fine.
HEY! My new site
comes up for me, but my friends are being directed to my old
Break out the coffee and donuts, and
consider yourself lucky. Your ISP is on the ball and updates DNS
records/ clears DNS cache in short regular intervals. Your friends
may be using an ISP, which is not as fast, and or efficient at doing
so. The only remedy for this is time. Eventually, the other ISP's
DNS cache will expire and be replaced with the updated DNS records.
What's going on with my email?
When I try to access it, I receive a "host does not exist" or a
"cannot authenticate" error message.
This can
happen for a number of reasons, but in most cases, it's because your
new DNS records have not fully completed the propagation process
yet. Consequently, you may be trying to access your old email
account on your "old server", which you may have already cancelled,
or it's in a state of DNS flux, which means it points to the new
server one moment, and the next, points back to the old server.
Give it some more time and it will eventually settle down.
In the meantime, consider accessing email from your account using
the WebMail based reader. If your domain has not propagated as of
yet, you can access your email account via WebMail with your
temporary url. Example: http://www.yourdomain.com:2082
This will allow you to access your default mailbox on your
account. Replace the tempurl with the one we sent you, and do not
remove the :2082 port number in the URL.
Microsoft FrontPage will
not accept a Username and Password, or displays the error message
(FrontPage Extensions Are Not Installed).
you should be able to access FrontPage with your associated
temporary URL (until your domain is resolving to our servers), this
is not always the case. FrontPage can behave in a number of
different ways depending on which direction the wind is blowing. In
some cases, it will allow you to initiate an upload session, but
upon asking for your Username and Password, will not recognize them.
If this happens, the best thing to do is wait until your domain name
is answering to our servers. One thing we know for sure, is
FrontPage will work without much of a problem if you're using the
full www.mydomain.com URL to manage your site with. Feel free to try
it with your temporary url, but we cannot guarantee it will work.
It's been over a week. Everybody
else can access my new site except me!
Was your
domain originally hosted by your ISP? If so, they may not have
deleted this entry in their DNS files. This results in you, and or
anyone else accessing the net from this "particular ISP" being
directed to your old web site on their servers. A number of ISP's
forget this small detail, which can result in weeks of utter
confusion and frustration. If this is happening to you, contact your
ISP and make sure they've made the necessary changes to their DNS
Checking your DNS update status (outside of your
In the event you're becoming impatient,
and or are wondering if the rest of the world outside of your ISP
can access your new site, you can proxy yourself to another network
and test it there. In many cases, you'll be surprised to see your
site responding perfectly, yet when you attempt it directly from
your ISP's servers, it does not exist.
There are several
services, which allow anonymous surfing across the net. While this
is not the intent here, they can be used for trouble shooting domain
resolution problems. How? Because they proxy you through their
network, which means your URL requests are controlled by "their" DNS
cache records. These services update/expire their DNS cache far more
often than ISP's, which makes them well suited for testing your
domain name through a network, which operates with the latest DNS
updates across the web.
To run this check, you can try
accessing your site through a Proxy service.
It will allow you to enter a URL,
and proxy your request through their servers. If your site is
accessible from these servers, then chances are, your ISP has yet to
expire their old DNS cache records.
Working on your account during the DNS
propagation period:
You can still work on
your new account until your domain name finds it way to our servers
using your temporary url, which was included in your welcoming
email. Using it at this point will provide a means for you to access
your account, as well as test your new site by using something
like http://yourtempurl.com/
(obviously you'd replace it with the url we sent you).
One easy way to check and see if your domain is
answering to our servers yet, is to create a file called
"test.html" and place it in your web directory.
Keep checking the URL http://www.yourdomain.com/test.html
and see if it works. When it does, you'll know your domain name is
answering to your account on "our servers", and has been officially

Sub-Domains and Domain Info
What is a
A sub domain is one, which
resides under your top-level domain name, but in many ways behaves
as a "totally independent domain". You'll observe that many of the
larger corporations use these, as they're somewhat more professional
looking, and do a better job of creating an independent precedence
for service or product lines, which appear as separate web entities.
Example: You're a GM dealer with a site such as GM.com. You
sell everything from Pontiac's to Cadillac's. To better organize
your online presence, you could create sub domains for your various
automotive lines. These would appear as
http://pontiac.gm.com/ or
Also note that in most cases, the domain need not be called with the
http:// or www protocol. pontiac.gm.com can be called
exactly how it appears here.
Setting up a sub

Thanks to C-Panel, this task
has been made easier than ever and can be achieved as
1. Login to C-Panel 2.
Select colorSub Domains 3. Enter the
name of your new sub domain 4. Hit
That's it! Your new sub domain is
now ready for use. To find it, login to your "main web directory"
through C-Panel by selecting "files" or simply use your favorite FTP
client. You'll see it residing as another directory. Upload your
files to this directory just as you would with any other. For
example, if you created pontiac, then a directory called pontiac is
what you'll be looking for.
Independent cgi-bin
All new
sub domains are created with their own independent cgi-bin. This
means your new sub domain operates independently of everything else,
and is almost like having a whole new domain. Feel free to configure
all cgi scripts, which are pertinent to the functioning of this sub
domain. A nice feature, as it saves your main cgi-bin from becoming
cluttered and somewhat disorganized; especially if you utilize a lot
of cgi programming.
Additional domains added to your account.
We allow you to point multiple domains to an account. Our policy about multiple domains is as follows:
- If secondary domain points to the primary domain such that both take a visitor to the same place, there is no charge for setting that up.
- If secondary domain points to subdomains of primary domain such that visitors arrive at different places within your account, then we will charge you $2 per month for each additional domain.
Please note that you will not be able to create email and ftp accounts with additionally pointed domains. All the emails sent to any address at additional domains will be forwarded to your default email account of your primary domain.

Configuring Domain Email
Adding a Pop Email account:

difference between private pop mail accounts, and simply using the
"Catch-All" method:
There are two kinds of
email address's you can use, starting with the "catch all"
With the catch all method, you don't have to worry
about setting up individual pop mail accounts. Simply set your email
client to your "default" email address (displayed in C-Panel), and
"all" email sent to anything@yourdomain.com
will land in this box, or whatever you've set your default address
to. This is an easy way to catch all email sent to your
In your Email client, feel free to
configure multiple outgoing accounts at many-different-names@youdomain.com
It really doesn't matter, as everything@yourdomain.com
will land in the default account. Therefore, you would
configure all of your email accounts with the "same" Username and
Password as your "Default domain Email Account."
EXAMPLE: Let's say you want to receive
mail from dianne@yourdomain.com and mark@yourdomain.com If both
of these addresses are the ones you'll be using, then the only thing
that changes is the address - the Username and Password is "always"
the same.
The pop
email account method:
In this case, you configure a "private"
pop email account for one or many users who will be receiving and
sending email from your domain. Once an email address is configured
as a pop mail account, it operates privately and independently from
your main standard/default mail system. Any mail sent to a private
pop mail account "can only be received" by logging into that account
with the separate username and password you have assigned it.
Your default "catch all" account will not
intercept any mail being sent to a pop mail account, which is what
makes it 'private'. Pop 3 accounts are useful if there are a number
of people (for example employees) who would each need a private
email account.
This way, everyone at your company can
utilize private email. The default email address plays a slightly
different role in this case: If a sender uses the 'wrong'
Email name or syntax, then that message would bounce to your
"default catch all" account, and at which time, you could probably
figure our who the sender was trying to contact. They do however,
have to at least send it to your correct domain name, (i'e', oops@youdomain.com). This
would end up in your "default" mailbox.
How to configure a pop mail

1. Login to
C-Panel 2. Select
"POP email accounts" 3. Enter an
email name 4. Enter a
password 5. Select
"Create" Just enter a name, (the
@yourdomain part is added
That's it, done! Your private pop 3 email
account is now ready for use. If you're a little lost on how to
manually configure an email account into your mail reader, please
see the detailed tutorials on how to configure Outlook and Netscape
mail readers.
If you've enabled Sub-Domains, you'll
observe a duplicate email account appearing, which corresponds to
each sub-domain you've added. Please ignore these duplicate
addresses for the time being. This is a new feature under
development and will soon enable the ability to configure email
accounts for your sub-domains. For example, if you configured
support.yourdomain.com, then you'll be able to use the address mailto:info@webcando.com.
For the time being, please configure
email address's that correspond to your "regular"
domain, and just ignore the sub-domain duplicates. ALSO:
Any duplicate sub-domain email address's you see appearing in your
pop mail setup configuration "DO NOT" count towards your allocated
number of pop mail boxes we've provided. In short, just ignore
them for now :-)

Setting Your Default Email
It appears pretty simple, but read
through this documentation, as this controls much more that you'd
expect. As mentioned in the previous chapter, your "default
email address" is the one, which can be used as a "catch all", or in
other words, to "catch all mail", which is addressed to anything@yourdomain.com.
Using a catch all can be a blessing and sometimes a curse.
The "catch all" is excellent if you have
a high frequency of people whom mistype your email address, as these
addresses (even though mistyped), will simply be bounced to your
"catch all" or "default" email account. That is, providing they at
least managed to spell your domain name properly :)
If you're not planning on using multiple
"private email boxes", then you can keep life very simple - just
configure the default email address in your mail reader and leave it
at that. This way, you'll receive everything sent to your
domain. There are indeed pro's and con's to this method, which
will be discussed in this tutorial.
Setting your default/catch all email account:

Note: By default, or until you
change it, the default email address will be the same as your "login
1. Login to
C-Panel 2. Select
"Default Address" 3. Enter a
desired colordefault email address
Enter the complete address.
"Submit" and you'll see a confirmation box, which displays
your new default email address. That's it- done!
Remember: In order to receive mail,
which finds its way into your "Default Mailbox", you must configure
the default address in your mail reader. If you don't, then
all mail, which bounces to this address will sit on the server
unread. This is easy to do in Outlook Express, as it allows
you to configure and monitor multiple email accounts. Email
readers such as Netscape on the other hand, are limited to "one"
email account. Actually, you could re-configure your mail
reader to check your default email box every few days, but who wants
to be bothered with that trouble? We suggest using an email
reader, which allows you to configure multiple email accounts.
The Webmail
Alternative: You can also check your default email
account, or another other mail account by logging into it through
the "WebMail" interface. Simply select the "WebMail" icon at
the bottom of C-panel, and log in to it using your "Main
Account" Username and Password. This will allow to to
check your default email box, as well as other mailboxes without
having to configure them in your mail reader. In fact, using
any pop accounts "Username and Password" will log you into that
particular account through the "WebMail" interface.
The downside of enabling "Catch
Problems can sometimes arise when
Spammers or junk mailers use this feature as a means to pump their
trash into your mailbox. As long as the "catch all" is enabled, then
all they must do is send to whatever@yourdomain.com
and it will reach you.
On the other hand, if you're using
"specific pop email accounts", you could opt to disable the "catch
all", which would mean that "only visitors or associates who you've
given a specific address to" can send mail to a particular email
account on your domain.
In this case, everything else, (that you
have not configured as a pop mail account) is bounced back to the
sender. In our opinion, we suggest leaving your "catch all" enabled
for the time being. If Spammers begin sending random junk messages
using anything@yourdomain.com,
then you can disable your "catch all" feature.
your "Catch All Feature"
Instead of entering
a syntax legal name, use illegal syntax, which will effectively
disable your email "catch all." For example, using characters, which
are known as 'illegal' to the email system such as
(>>>????) will work just fine. These
are characters, which cannot be used in an email address, which in
effect, will render the "Catch All" feature useless. Go
to your "change default email address" and add something like the
above as default name.
What happens
When Spammy or Jimmy junk mailer
attempts to use a random email address to Spam you, it will be
bounced back to them. That is, unless they happen to get a hold of
one of your "legitimate pop email account names", in which case,
you'd have a different problem on your hands. Yes, you could either
deal with it, or change the address.
Here is what now happens to a sender using
anything@yourdomain.com :
This is what the
sender would receive. Please note that a classic, but annoying junk
mail example is being used here:
message was created automatically by mail delivery software
A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to
one or more of its recipients after more than 24 hours on the
queue on
The message identifier is:
14m7gv-0007gl-00 The date of the message is: Mon, 04 June 2001
01:23:02 -0400 The subject of the message is:
The address to which the message has not yet
been delivered is:
Delay reason: error in alias file
: missing or malformed local part
(expected word or "<") in "******>>>"
(Bad email syntax)
No action is required on your part. Delivery
attempts will continue for some time, and this warning may be
repeated at intervals if the message remains undelivered.
Eventually the mail delivery software will give up, and when that
happens, the message will be returned to
So what actually
happened here?
When the "Catch All" email
address (******>>>@yourdomain.com),
attempted to process an incoming message from anything@yourdomain.com,
and then forward the (junk message in this case) to the "catch
all/Default" email address, it freaked out, and said forget
it!! The default email address was set to
******>>> in this case, which is clearly an email address
using "illegal characters", so the sending process was aborted.
Therefore, the mail system bounced back the above error message to
the sender. There are numerous tricks and special recipes you can
'manually' write into the Unix email system for doing essentially
the same thing, however through C-Panel, this would certainly seem
the easiest way of accomplishing the task.

Configuring Email Auto
What is an
Email Auto Responder?
Email auto responders
will automatically send a customized auto response (that you
compose) to any visitor whom emails the address configured with one.
More specifically, automated responses are sometimes used to send
additional information about your service or product by having a
visitor email something like moreinfo@yourdomain.com
In most other cases, they are used to send a 'courtesy reply' to
anyone whom sends a query to your companies main email
address. When visitors email this address, they recieve a
response such as: Thanks for contacting our company! Someone
will be returning a response to your question soon. If you require
immediate assistance, please call 555-222-1212. Thanks!), and
so forth.
There are two types of
Auto Responders:
The silent Auto
In this case, you configure the
responder to send the desired information when it's emailed, however
you 'do not' receive copies of the inquiries that
people originally sent. This method is typically used if
you have a product and want people to email an address for
additional information on it. You simply tell them to email moreinfo@yourdomain.com,
and they receive additional information on it. Again, you
'will not' receive receipts of the visitors emailing the auto
responder. If you want to do this, please read the next paragraph.
The Auto Responder that sends
you the original inquiry:
In this case, the
auto responder is setup to work with a (currently configured pop
email account). Now, the sender receives your automated
response, and you receive their 'original inquiry'.
How to setup an Auto

1. login to
C-panel 2. Select "Auto
Responders" 3. Enter the "Email
Address" to send the auto response 4. Enter a
"From" name, (for example, my
company) 5. Enter a "Subject", (for example, thank
you) 6. Enter your message in the
"Body" area
Select "Add"
and that's it! Your auto responder is now online. To test it,
email its address and see if you receive the auto response. If
you've configured it to an existing pop mail account, you should
receive 2 responses. The first, which is your inquiry, (that you
just sent to yourself), and the second, which will be the automated
Remember! If you want to
receive the "Incoming Inquiries" in addition to sending the
automated response, then add an email address, which is
"already" configured as a "pop email account." If you "do
not" wish to receive the original incoming inquiry, then simply
enter a name, which "Is Not" configured as one of your existing pop
mail accounts.
If at anytime you want to update, edit, or
delete an auto response, simply go back into "Auto responders" and
you'll see the current responders configured, as well as options
beside each of them to change or delete.
Blocking Unwanted Email
From time to time, you may experience
either a junk mailer or some other menacing individual whom keeps
sending you annoying email messages. C-Panel has a built in feature,
which allows you to block these email messages in a multitude of
different ways. You can block them by:
Sender - Subject - Message Header - Message
Of course, if all you want to do is block one
specific email address, then you don't have to worry about getting
fancy with it - just enter the email address to be blocked, and
that's it, done!
How to use the
block email function: 
1. Login to
C-Panel 2. Select "Spam Filters" 3. Select "Add
If all you want to do is block a single
email address, then simply leave the "current default setting" as
is, and enter in the email address to be blocked. For example, From | Equals | | annoying-nolife@nothingbettertodo.com
Click "Add", and that's it!
When you click "Back" or login to this feature next time,
you'll see the list of email address's, and or expressions you've
blocked. Beside each one of them will be a "Delete" option, so that
you can remove the block from your account at a future time.
NOTE: When you block an email address, or some
other keyword, this filtering will be enabled on "All Email
Accounts" within your domain.
Advanced Blocking:
those of who whom experience frequent problems with junk email
messages, you'll be please to see this option provides a broad range
of blocking options. Instead of having us try to explain every last
one of them here, this is a feature you'll really want to experiment
with yourself.
Doing so, will allow you to become
familiar with the ways that email can be blocked, and will also help
you with customizing a recipe that works best for your domain. Play
around with the settings, and try to block words, or phrases based
on the From Name, Subject, or Message Body Text. Now, send an email
to your account and see if the terms and criteria you selected are
providing the filtering you want.
It may take a
little time to master, but it's fun, and a great way to broaden your
abilities on web site administration. FINAL NOTE:
If you're totally new to email blocking, and wish to explore its
full potential, we highly suggest you test it before launching your
site. This way, you don't have to worry about accidentally
disrupting email for your entire domain.
Hint: Unless you're 100%
sure of what a setting will do, always delete it when you're
finished, or until you have time to run a series of tests on it. You
want to ensure it's blocking what it's supposed to, and
not legitimate email messages!
A big junk mail
If you're experiencing a high volume
of junk mail, then there's a good possibility Spammers are taking
advantage of your "catch all" option. To disable this, please see
our tutorial on "Default Email Address."

Email Forwarding:
Email forwarding is a feature, which
forwards an email that originated from your domain, to another email
address. The forwarding address can be another email address within
'your domain', or to an 'external email' address, (for example to
your home ISP email account). There are two types of email
Forward silently to
another address:
In this case, the email
address from your domain (setup for forwarding) will divert all
messages to the forwarding address you've selected, and without
sending you a copy of the original message. For example, you@yourdomain.com will
automatically forward all messages to you@mindspring.com. Pretty
straight forward. (no pun intended).
Forward to another address, but also send you
the "original inquirey":
This is the method
most commonly used. For example, you have two other partners who
wish to receive all incoming inquiries to the company. Perhaps
you're the one who responds to them, but your counterparts would
like copies of the incoming activity as well. The method for
accomplishing this is pretty well the same as above, except in this
case you would configure one of your "existing pop email accounts",
as that is how you'd receive a copy of the original incoming
Example: When General@company.com (your
companies main address) is mailed, you would typically be the only
one to receive the response, however if you've configured forwards
for your two counterparts (Bob and Mary), then bob@telcomprice.com and
mary@yourdomain.com could also
receive a copy of the incoming messages.
How to setup a mail

1. Login to
C-Panel 2. Select
"Forwarders" 3. Enter a
configured pop email account name if you want
to receive original inquiries. (Enter a none configured email
address if you do not) 4. Enter the
email address you want it to relay a copy of
the message to 5. Select "Add
All messages will now be forwarded to the
forwarding address, and with a copy sent to you
Need to Forward to
more than one person?
Simply repeat the above process using the
same address you've setup as the forward, and enter the additional
recipients you would like to send a copy of the message to.
All email forwards will be listed in your "Email Forwarder"
administrator. You can delete forwards when you no longer require
Testing your
If you want to test your new mail
forward, it's recommended that the email account you're testing from
"is not" one of the accounts you're using in conjunction with the
forwarder you've just setup. For example, if you've configured
harry@yourdomain.com to
forward copies to bob@telcomprice.com and mary@yourdomain.com, then send
a test message from an email address, other than one of the
addresses you've just setup, otherwise it can somewhat confusing in
figuring out which message was coming from the actual forward, and
which was the original sent from you.

Accessing your mail through the web based
extends the versatility of its email system by allowing you to
access any one of your email accounts through its own web mail
interface. You have the choice of accessing all mail through the
web, or any of your private pop email accounts. Gone are the days of
having to create several email accounts on various free html based
mail systems, as now you have your own, which operates from "your
Accessing your
mail through the web mail interface:
1. Login
to C-Panel 2. Select
"POP email accounts"
Beside the email account you
wish to access, click the envelope icon
button. A username and password prompt will appear, and are the
same as the username and password you created with that
particular account. NOTE: Remember to use the "full' email
address as the account login name for the account you're
The first
screen you'll see:
If it's the first time
you're accessing this email account through WebMail, a setup screen
appears. Actually, all this really does is display how you'll be
identifying yourself in email messages. Everything is pretty much
the same as what you setup the "original pop mail account" with,
however check it closely and make sure everything is appearing as
you want it.
Does everything
look correct?
If so, then click "Save" and a
dialog box pops up, which confirms your settings as being saved
successfully. Click color"Continue" and you'll
be taken to your WebMail inbox. To the top left of the screen,
you'll observe the following icons. Clicking on any one of
them will do the following.
Compose a new
message |
Refresh the
screen |
View user
preferences |
Open address
book |
View or add new
folders |
Empty your trash
folder |
To delete or move a message, select the
small box beside it. Select where you which to place it using
the drop down menu (top right of screen), then click
Open address book,
allows you to add and edit email address's . You can also export
your Outlook or Netscape Address Book,
which equips your account with all the email address's you currently

Cpanel Goodies
How to password protect your directories:
Find and Click on "Password protect directories" in your Control Panel.
You will see a list of all the folders that are in your public_html directory.
Click on the name of the folder if that is the one you need to protect. OR click on
the folder icon to go into the folder. For example, in your case, you will click on
Folder Icon of "Shop" folder. and then click on the name of the folder once you find
it. In your case, again, it will be "admin", click on the name.
On the next page, you will see three boxes. The first box says "Allow access
only to authorized users". In this box, check the box next to where it says "Directory
requires a password to access via the web". Then enter a name for your protected area
in the text box. Both of these are necessary. Then click "Submit".
Click the back button on your browser and then click "refresh". This will bring
you back to the page with three boxes. Now you will need to add users who are authorized
to access this folder. This is done in the second box, which says "Add/modify authorized
user". Enter a username and a password and then click submit.
That is it. You can now access that folder using your browser and it should ask
you for a username and password, you will need to use the username and password you
entered in step 3.
MySQL database
Unfortunately, we can't
provide much customized help with the MySQL database at this time. However, you can get lots of advice from other users resources on the net.
For detailed documentation on MySQL, you can go to http://www.mysql.com or you can try http://www.mysql.org
. At mysql.org, click on the documentation button. The documentation is tarred
and gziped. You can extract the html documentation files using
a shareware program called WinRAR, which you can download for free from http://www.rarsoft.com
Ecommerce Shopping Carts
Unfortunately, we can't
provide any free customized help with the Ecommerce Shopping Carts - Agora or OScommerce
at this time. For detailed documentation you can go to Agoracart or OScommerce .
However, please contact us if you need assistance with a custom shopping cart or need to hire us to customize the cart for you. Quote or Contact Us