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Article number: Article number: kb-18
Q. What is Search Engine Optimization?

A. Search Engine Optimization is the process of obtaining optimal search engine and directory placement for a search engine query through regular manipulation of META tags and descriptions, titles, body text content, graphics and page format. WebCanDo has extensive knowledge of the algorithms used by the search engines. We will configure your web pages to "optimize" where they place in the list of search engine query results. Additionally, our search engine optimization service identifies the target audience and keywords/phrases being used on the Internet to find your product or service. Utilizing search engine optimization techniques, the web site design strategically incorporates keywords and phrases so people can readily find the site. This will result in high search engine and directory rankings.
This page has been viewed 1598 times

Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. What is Internet Marketing? (viewed 1735 times)
2. What is Pay Per Click Marketing? (viewed 1659 times)
3. What is Search Engine Marketing? (viewed 1639 times)

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